
"En cada soplo de aire, en cada rayo de luz, ante cualquier perspectiva bella, rozamos la orla, vemos agitarse la túnica de quienes contemplan a Dios cara a cara" Cardenal John Henry Newman

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

La belleza recóndita de los bosques de Laponia

     "Anyone working with the visual arts up here in the north has the low sun as a faithful partner. The most pleasing light comes when the sun is near the horizon. Its rays must pass through a very great deal of air, so the light is softened and diffused, and it takes on a red hew at a dramatically low angle." 

   "Thanks to the fact that the path of the sun is so flat north of the Arctic Circle, the low light lasts a long time, both in the terms of day and the year" TOMAS UTSI, fotógrafo sueco residente en Laponia, creador de la página web NATURFOTO, dedicada a retratar paisajes de Laponia.